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Seesaw: The Learning Journal

Seesaw: The learning Journal
How to easily integrate technology in an elementary classroom?
Teachers technology is very important to integrate into our classrooms now more than ever. We need to help our students develop 21st century skills by allowing our students to interact and use technology in our classroom at least on a weekly bases. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Nearly 500,000 jobs are projected to be added from 2014 to 2024 in technology alone. So teachers let’s prepare our student for the in-demand tech careers. How to do this in an elementary classroom you might ask? Well, I just discovered a program called seesaw which empowers students to document their learning in several different ways. Let me share an example 🙂
In my dual language classroom we did Science unit about insects. Students investigate and record some of the unique stages that insects undergo during their life cycle. I created a seesaw presentation guide in which students research some provided questions and write their answers. After that they will practice reading their answer in Spanish for their presentation. When they feel ready this is what they do:

I was so graciously granted permission from one of my parents to post their child’s video here to share with you today! She will give you a “student view” and what she does to post her video.

The kids absolutely LOVE doing videos. Even my most shy and timid students feel comfortable doing videos because no one is watching them and they feel in a “safe zone”. My parents love it as well. When my students post their work on seesaw my parents get a notification via app, email or SMS. Parents are only notified about their own child’s work, and all data is safe and secure.

Here I have also attached great suggestions given by Seesaw of how to use this program in your class!

100 Ways Students use Seesaw

Share writer’s workshop stories with voice recordings
Give a book talk
Record a science experiment & explain
Connect with peers globally
Model and practice digital citizenship
Record thinking to solve a math problem.
Demonstrate a skill
Create a class blog
Document growth over time using multiple formats
Make a scavenger hunt with QR codes
Differentiate instruction for a small group
Empower students to lead conferences
Engage families with insights from the  classroom
Create audio /visual newsletters
Retell a story from a character’s perspective
Document a makerspace project
Reflect during genius hour projects
Practice commenting and giving feedback to peers
Capture stages of projects in art and science
Support oral language development and storytelling
Organize and share digital creations from other apps
Provide choice for students to show what they know
Visit and learn with classrooms around the world via Seesaw Blogs
Empower students to manage workflow independently
Code with Apple’s Swift Playgrounds.  Save into Seesaw.
Record and share
reader’s theater
Draw self-portraits,app smash with Chatterpix, and record a goal!
Send a message to  a student who is out sick.
Organize genius hour resource with students. Links, videos,
Model an activity
Create quick screencasts to personalize learning
App smash with Book Creator. Save to Seesaw as video or PDF
Create a class for a school-wide makerspace. Students share
Add a quick note or reminders to families
Make interactive bulletin board w/ QR codes
Encourage student self-reflection through videos
Give students with special needs voice & tools to capture strengths
Create green screen projects with DoInk and post to Seesaw.
App Smash with Tellagami for storytelling or word work.
Share your projects in Seesaw and teach your parents!
Support ELL families and students. Audio record in any language.
Share book trailers created in iMovie.
Record reading fluency.
Students evaluate oral reading.
Share Adobe Spark videos on Seesaw.
Record differentiated spelling words, students listen & rec
Implement in after school clubs to share learning
Share links to resources with students  and parents
Create a class for Read Across America and share favorite books
Encourage collaboration. Show how you worked through a task.
Post an illustration then write and tell about it.
Create talking flashcards
Share links to Google Forms with students and/or parents
Interact with authentic world around you – find 3D shapes
Share an important memo to families!
Capture skills during physical education
Share safe video links with students made using
Practice musical instruments.  See growth and progress over time!
Select work from Google drive and share with an audience via Seesaw
Maintain connection to families working overseas or traveling
Record an interview with an expert
Create tutorials with Shadow Puppet EDU videos for  next year
Take a picture of your art and write a haiku poem about it
Encourage students to take over the weekly newsletter
Write notes to your class when you’re at a workshop
AppSmash w/
for creative reminders
Invite specials teachers as co-teachers to connect
Use copy-edit tool students complete “exit slips”
Video a difficult concept and make it available for class review
Record oral counting 1:1
Screen-capture Raz-Kids reports and set goals, share with parents
Create skills and view progress over time
Post information for homework and have peers respond
Create “commercials” to promote events at school
Choose “Best work”  Put in a “Best of” folder for reflection
App-smash with Shadow Puppet to create a “Guess My Number”
Share photos or videos with parents by posting to “Everyone”
Create with the suite of built-in drawing tools
Follow Flat Stanley’s adventures over the summer
Capture photos of physical creations & “take them home”
Create a folder just for common websites. Enter links
Create how to videos and print out QR code for the students
Set goals. Update progress every nine weeks. Cheer successes
Share animal research in Doink,to Book Creator  export as video to  Seesaw.
Print  QR codes to do a blended lesson in the classroom.
Showcase student work via Apple TV or SMARTboard
Advertise a book.  Make a commercial and “sell” it to others
Share a class with pen pals. Write, share pictures, and ask questions.
State learning goals with “I can..” and show what you know.
Share special events with families who could not attend
Promote active learning during PD. Create a class and share examples
Create folders to organize work
Send a letter with an interactive QR code that shares Seesaw post
Video record a science experiment in action. Reflect after
Listen to stories from peers around the world via Seesaw Blogs
Read aloud a story and narrate a new ending
Add Seesaw QR codes to books to you can hear peers read them.
Rethink paper/pencil assessments. Encourage multiple formats
Use video to capture communication via sign language
Build, test, redesign. Capture process & reflections
Create narrated digital stories with Shadow Puppet EDU and save
Jaenelly Rocha
Author: Jaenelly Rocha

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