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Bilingual Teacher T-shirts

As a bilingual teacher of 11 years teaching in the Dual Language program my career has inspired my artistry. In the bilingual world there is always a shortage of resources, conference and even T-shirts targeted just for us. So I decided to design teacher t-shirts for not only bilingual teachers but for all. Here below are some of my favorites you can find in my website

We teachers absolute love Fridays and we use the term Fri-Yay but I decided to create this twist for the lovers of Fridays & Frida now called Frida-Yay. This design is also available in Ice Blue.
This is another bilingual teacher’s favorite. Our students are sweeter than pan dulce. I’m mean who doesn’t love a good concha? Give me the pink one please!
This design is also available in a beautiful teal T-shirt.
This beautiful teacher shirt is available in both Spanish and English. I love creating designs in both languages to have a language rich repertoire for all teachers. Maestras really do make the world go round. No other career exist without us.
This design is very special because when there is a storm we must look for hope and show others those colors. I feel teachers, nurses, principals, counselors and so many other professions do this so well. This design is also available in Spanish and English.
This design celebrates diversity in our school and in our classrooms. Our difference are our strengths. Celebrate each child and where they are from with this special design.
Here is another beauty called difference maker. You are valued and appreciated teachers for all your work and dedication. I wanted to honor you with this design. I also created this with the word counselor, teacher, nurse and principal.
Don’t forget to check out our pins and stickers they are all designed with so much love for you.

So here is a tiny glimpse of all my designs… I have many many more on my website: check out all our apparel, earrings, pins, stickers and notebooks.
Jaenelly Rocha
Author: Jaenelly Rocha

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