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Academic vocabulary & Spelling book

Hello, blogger friends! I am so excited to share with you one of my classroom life savers as a Dual Language/ESL/Bilingual teacher. It’s the Academic vocabulary/ Spelling book. In this video I explain a little further why it saved my sanity!
I failed to mention something important in the video. When the student ask his or her partners and they don’t know the word in Spanish the next step is to ask me. When they get the word from me I tell them to add that word to their book so “that” word doesn’t become a future question again. This will cut down on repetitive questions. Example: if the student did not know how to say “horse” in Spanish I tell them “caballo” they go under the “H” since they are a native English speaker and write horse-caballo. 

I hope you found this information helpful and if you are interested in using this book in your classroom click on the link below. If you have any questions feel free to email me or use any social media. Thank you and have a blessed day.
Jaenelly Rocha
Author: Jaenelly Rocha

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